How Do I Measure My Fat Loss Progress/Success?

How do I measure fat loss progress? Do I just use the scale? Is the scale reliable? All questions will be answered!

The best way to measure fat loss progress is to look all measurements and observations we can take at the same time. The most important ones: the mirror/photos, the scale and how our clothes fit. And a bonus measurement: how other people see us.

We will go over all measurements, one by one, and list the pros and cons.

The Mirror and photos

Even though we can not measure how much we lose in exact amounts by just looking at photos and the mirror, both are a good way to measure progress if the scale doesn't move.

One of the reasons to lose fat is to look the way we wish. By taking consistent looks in the mirror and taking progress photos we can see how our body shapes over time on a fat loss plan. We can check how close we are to reaching our goal. By taking snapshots from different angles we can detect fat loss on places we do not immediately notice, such as our (lower) back.

The Weight Scale

Weigh in during the same circumstances: without clothes, first thing in the morning after a bathroom visit and without eating and drinking. This will give us a pretty accurate number and a level of progress we can quantify.

But please remember the scale is not the only marker of fat loss, as water retention and delayed fat loss spurts can throw you off mentally. Fat loss can happen 'behind the scenes' without noticing the weight on the scale coming down. 

Been stuck for more than 3 weeks on the same weight? Time to look at nutrition, rest and exercise to see if there are any issues

How our clothes fit

Don't notice a big difference on the scale and in the mirror, try fitting on some clothing to see if you notice a difference. Jeans loosening up or a shirt not fitting as tightly around the waist can indicate we are losing fat!

How other people see us

Sometimes we have high expectations and demand a lot from ourselves. If you eagerly measure yourself and notice the fat loss is not progressing as fast as you want, or at all, you may feel upset. 

However, sometimes other people view us in a different light and notice how much we have progressed. People around us mentioning we have lost weight or we look better can be in indication that are in fact on the right track

*However, keep in mind that most people will not fully understand your point of progress and goals. So in reverse it may also be difficult to hear comments you do not wish or did not expect.

People mentioning we look smaller (ouch!) or our face is caving in can be hard pills to swallow. And especially tiring if we have to give an explanation why things may look that way now (lack of muscle glycogen, duh!).

Always remember to keep track of your goals and wishes and let comments from people who don't fully understand not take you off your path!