Essential Supplements To Help You Lose Fat

Which supplements do I need to take to lose fat? Do I need supplements at all? We tell our recommendations!

The answer is actually quite simple. If you get enough energy, micronutrients and minerals and measure good health, you do not need any! 

Especially for fat loss. There are no common supplements (the ones we can casually buy online) that will lose fat for you.

*A supplement is always a bonus next to the basics of: healthy nutrition, enough sleep, stress management and proper training

But chances are, you and I are not 100% perfect. Meaning some supplements could help out. Not with losing more fat, but rather to make the fat loss progress a durable and healthy experience. As much as possible at least.

We have created a list of supplements that could help you reach your fat loss goals. However, always try and decide for yourself which ones you prefer and which ones you don't!


The most common one among lifters. Provides a burst of energy in the gym while giving you the wake sensation and tingling in your body. Most people like to 'scoop' before the gym. It has become a routine for many! Mandatory? No. Does it give a boost, yes it does!

Whey Protein

Pure protein in powdered form. Excellent way to make a protein shake and a great way to reach your protein goals if you struggle from getting it from food.


Alongside getting enough water, electrolyte supplementation can help you stay hydrated, focussed and helps you deal with a fat loss phase during high temperates

Omega 3 Gel Capsules

Good in general to help with proper brain and heart function


If you struggle with getting enough vitamins through your diet, a multi vitamin can help you get enough vitamins and minerals to sustain proper body function