The Best Cardio For Fat Loss (#1 Tool)

What is the best form of cardio to use in a fat loss phase?

In our opinion? Walking!


Walking is an easy and accessible way for people to burn extra calories without the constraint of needing to build up stamina. It also adds way less physical stress on our body and it usually does not take energy away from our weight training. You can listen to a postcast or music while not being out of breath.

There are also a lot of other benefits to walking. You can finish chores or tasks such as walking the dogs, walking to work or doing groceries on foot. Walking can become a social activity too as you can invite friends or family to join you

The 1 downside of using walking as a tool to burn calories...

Walking is not a very time efficient method of burning calories. Is it important to see if you can fit small or large walks in your daily routine to make it work. It takes about 10-11 minutes to complete 1000 steps. 1000 steps burn between 30-55 calories depending on your height and weight. If you for instance want to burn 500 extra calories this will take you a minimum of 100 minutes of walking

When you choose if and what form of cardio you are going to use, try out a few things and see what works best for you!