Do I Need To Take Whey Protein To Build Muscle?

Is Whey Protein necessary to build muscle?

The answer is no. Whey Protein is not a necessary supplement. It is considered a supplement but also a (processed) food source. Like any food source we can in- or exclude it to reach our goals.

During a muscle building phase we need to calculate our maintenance calories and add roughly 300 extra calories to this amount. Our protein goal is about 2 grams per kg of bodyweight (1 gram per pound of bodyweight). 

How you reach your protein goal is entirely up to you. To have a complete amino acid profile we advise to eat from a variety of sources such as (lean) meat, fish and dairy.

Whey Protein offers almost a clean scoop of protein without extra calories from fats or carbs. Therefore using this to make a protein shake or adding it to your dairy can be a great way to reach your protein target, is that is something you struggle with!