Clean Bulk Or Dirty Bulk? How to Calculate My Calories To Build Muscle

Do I need to clean bulk or dirty bulk? In this article we break down the pros and cons of each and we will help you calculate how many calories you need to gain muscle!

Dirty bulks are considered most fun, whereas clean bulks are considered the wise thing to do.

Dirty Bulking

Dirty bulking means you eat in a surplus without counting calories and without constraint. As long as you are gaining weight in the gym and getting stronger, the dirty bulk is a success.

Clean Bulking 

Clean bulking is to keep counting calories (for the most part) so that you don't add much fat tissue to your muscle gain phase

Our recommendation: always clean bulk!


During a dirty bulk the extra amount of calories you consume will not be converted into muscle gain, but in fat gain. We only need a small surplus of about 300 calories above maintenance to increase muscle mass. 300 calories is enough to make an impact while not being too high and not too low either.

The amount of fat you would put on during a dirty bulk would eventually all have to come off during your fat loss (cutting) phase. This means the big 'highs' of a dirty bulk will be followed by 'big lows' of extended grinding in a calorie deficit to get into great shape. Not to mention, a high amount of fat to lose means your deadline to get in shape is going to be challenged. 

If you stay lean enough during your bulk your fat loss phase will be shorter and the negative impacts such as diet fatigue will be much less.

Our recommendation is to do a lean bulk for about 6-7 weeks followed by a mini cut. During the spring we would only need a month of 2-3 of cutting to fully get in shape!

So how many calories do I need to 'clean bulk'?

Simply calculate by clicking the link here!

Your lean bulk calories are your maintenance calories + 300 calories.