When do my veins become visible?

How do I get my veins to show?

Having vascularity is often considered a symbol of aesthetics, alongside having our muscle cuts and separations show. 

Hard work vs. Genetics

The first thing we need to consider when trying to appear more vascular is our genetic differences. Some people tend to have less vascularity and some more. Some people have it more in certain areas while others have it in completely other parts of the body.

The second thing we need to consider is that in order to have at least some form of vascularity we need to have a low enough body fat percentage. Having less fat around certain areas of the body makes both the veins and muscle appear more clearly.

How quickly that happens depends on how much fat you would need to lose. The body parts that will become lean first will also have the biggest chance of showing vascularity around the same time. Think of the forearms, biceps and shoulders. The abs and waist are more likely to have vascularity appear when you reach below 10% bodyfat.