How Do I Build Thick Abs During My Bulking Phase?

What is the best way to build up abs during your bulking phase? We have lined some tips up for you!

Tip 1: Go heavy and pick the right exercises

Most common and popular ab routines consist of circuit type exercises that are way different from the style of training we do when we for instance train arms or chest. Most of those circuit style exercises do not provide enough stimulus to the abs to grow.

We want to apply the same logic to our ab training as to any other muscle group:

- Enough resistance in terms of weight

- Getting 1 or 2 reps close to failure

Replace your boring crunches by the following exercises for example:

- Cable Crunches

- Hanging Leg Raises

Tip 2: Take hip flexors out of the exercise

In order to allow the abs to grow we must flex them and expose them to strain in the shortened/squeeze and lengtened/stretch positions. Often during many exercises we allow our hip flexors to take over and do the work

A rule of thumb: if you feel your hips getting achy during your set, you are using to much of your hip flexors

When doing an ab exercise, try to flex your abs, perform a controlled movement and try to not tense your hips or legs but rather keeping them neutral and unflexed