Exercises For: Big And Round Shoulders

We picked several overlooked and often incorrectly performed exercises for round and big shoulders!

Most of the mass on the shoulders is on the rear (1) and side (2) delts. Therefore we put most emphasis on those 2 of the 3 heads (rear, side, front).

1. Rear Delt Fly (Machine) / Reverse Pec Deck (Rear Delts)

When performed with strict form the great range of motion the rear delt fly is an excellent exercise for mass on your rear delts

2. Wide Grip Upright Row (Rear Delts)

Again a great exercise to put emphasis on the rear delt, because of the wide grip

3. Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise (Rear Delts)

When performed with good form, a way to build up the rear delts. Focus on raising the dumbbells out first, then up is makes sure you strictly use the back of your shoulders

4. Cable/Dumbbell Side Raises

Whether you pick the dumbbell or cable, the choice is yours. Cables allow you to have constant tention. If you prefer to use the cable, make sure to position the pully about 2 places below your neutral elbow position, rather than leaving the pully all the way down. Again, make sure to raise the cable out and then up.

5. Wider Grip Hammer Strength Shoulder Press

Make sure to place the hand grip wide enough or even sit in reverse on the machine to put more emphasis on the rear part of your shoulder as shoulder presses in general tend to put more emphasis on the front delt.

*The front delt is not the most massive part of the shoulder and also tends to have some work in already as a secondary muscle to exercises such as a bench press