The Ultimate Guide To Getting Shredded Sixpack Abs

You want to have a shredded midsection this year. To bring out your best shape, we have created a step by step guide which will bring you to your end goal. It covers the essential basics and some extra tips to make your fat loss journey as easy and comfortable as possible!

*The thing to keep in mind is that in order to create a defined midsection, men probably have to reach below 10% bodyfat as fat around the belly, love handles and lower back is usually the first place to get fat and the last place for the fat to leave

How defined and thick your abs will be pushing out also determines on how well developed they are. Therefore it is important to add some form of a progressive overload block of ab work in your routine during your lean bulk

Step 1: Determine your calories and macro's.

Fat loss is about calories in versus calories out. In order to lose fat we have to be in a calorie deficit. Our calories for the day are made out of 3 macronutrients: protein, carbs and fats. protein and carbs provide 4 calories per 1 gram, fat provides us 9 calories per 1 gram.

Protein are the building blocks of the body and provide muscle growth and retention. We must get around 2 gram per kg of (target) bodyweight per day. For people who use lbs: around 1 gram per pound of bodyweight.

Example: a 100 kg person has a target protein goal of around 200 grams per day

Carbs are a non essential for the body's function but are almost unmissable in a fat loss diet because of the energy it provides. Therefore we keep them moderately high

Fats are an essential macro for hormones and other things such as hair and nail growth. Fats are often demonized but are an important to keep in a diet. The aim is to get about 20-35% of your daily calories from fats

Overwhelmed by all the info? No worries, we have created a calorie calculator which will calculate your calories and macro's for fat loss. Click here to use the calorie calculator!

Step 2: Fill up your meal plan with foods you are comfortable eating

If you are on a long term fat loss plan, it is recommended to eat foods you do not hate. It will increase the chance of sticking to your diet. We recommend food choices that will maintain your satiety and are richer in micronutrients.

Step 3: Determine how long it would get you to reach your goal 

This will help you understand how long it will take you and to create realistic expectations. We will provide an example:

A 100kg man with 15% body fat want to get to 8%. This gives him the following stats:

- 15% body fat at 100 kg = 15kg of bodyfat, currently

- (Goal) 8% body fat at 100kg = 8kg of bodyfat, at goal weight

15kg - 8kg = 7kg of fat to lose in total

The man has a healthy pace of being in a 500 calorie deficit.

1 calorie = 9 grams of fat. Therefore a 500 calorie daily deficit burns around 55 grams of fat daily

7000 gram (=7kg) of fat to lose / 55 grams daily burned = about 127 days (= 18 weeks = 4.5 months). 

If you then adjust for cheat/refeed days, diet breaks and falling off and getting back up it is safe to add an extra month (or 2) to this plan.

*Fat loss is not lineair and comes in spurts sometimes. At the end of the fat loss phase, the expected fat loss rate slows down. But these numbers provide a pretty clear understanding on how far out you are from reaching your goal.

Simply replace the numbers in the calculation with your own stats to check your fat loss window!

Step 4: Determine your training program

Training comes down to lifestyle and personal preference but keep to the following guidelines:

- About 3 working sets per week per muscle group

- Progressive overload, stay 1-2 reps away from failure on each set

- Train each muscle group 1-2x per week

Step 5: Determine which supplements to use

They are not necessary but can provide a good support for your long term goals and health. Keep in mind that supplements are a bonus, stacked on a solid plan of good nutrition, proper training and sufficient rest!

- Multi Vitamin, for essential vitamins and minerals

- Electrolytes, together with sufficient water intake to allow good function of the body and to avoid drying out

- Omega 3 capsules to help get proper brain function, eye sights and a good heart condition

-  Pre-Workout, for an extra kick and energy boost during the gym

- Whey Protein. Protein in powder form. Can be handy to use when reaching your daily protein goals from other foods is hard to reach

Step 6: Put the plan into work!