Do Fat Burner Supplements Work And Should I Take One to Lose Fat?

Are fat burners good value for money, or a complete waste of money and hope?

The name 'fat burner' can be quite misleading. The name indicates that the product would burn fat for you. Does this work that way? Not at all, unfortunately...

In order to lose weight we need to be in a sustained calorie deficit. A fat burner supplement does not do this for us. We create a calorie deficit ourselves by consuming less calories than we burn.

Then why are fat burners on the market and what is their role?

Fat burners are often a powdered or capsuled mix of ingredients that in high dosages get our metabolism to burn slightly more. The emphasis is on the word 'slightly'. The amount of these ingredients, such as green tea leaf extract and caffeine is not sufficient to make a big impact on the amount of calories we burn.

Some people report have a bit less appetite when taking a scoop of a fat burner.

If you have your nutrition, rest and training almost a 100% nailed to perfection, a fat burner can give you a 1% optimization. But not much more than that. A good old calorie deficit + patience and discipline is the way to go!