I Want More and Defined Muscle Mass! Should I Bulk Or Cut?

Should I bulk or cut the coming period?

The simple answer: entirely up to you.

But you probably want a bit more help! 

Only if you are a complete beginner you are able to build a bit of muscle and burn fat at the same time. All intermediates and advances lifters must make a choice.


Because building muscle tissue requires a small surplus of energy (calories) and burning fat requires a deficit of energy. Therefore we separate both phases and determine which suits us best the coming weeks or months.

Generally most people bulk during the Fall & Winter and cut during the Spring and Summer. This is because most people want to be their leanest during the summer. 

But at any given time you have to decide for yourself which one to pick, and how long that period should last

Check our general advise/guidelines to determine what would be best for you:

When to (lean) bulk

- If you have been on a long cutting plan and you reached your fat loss goals (easy!)

- If you have been on a fat loss plan for very long and diet fatique kicks in, even though you are not done losing fat. A mini bulk or preferably a maintenance phase can help reset and boost your energy, metabolism and mental clarity. Long term fat loss is a marathon, not a sprint!

- If you have little to no fat and are a beginner in the gym

When to cut

- If your body fat has gotten to an uncomfortable level during your bulk

- If you calculated that you would need to start cutting now to reach your desired body fat percentage in time. You decide by taking your current body fat percentage, your fat loss pace based your calorie deficit and your target body fat percentage and decide how many weeks it would take to reach there

- If you experience fatigue from eating in a surplus and training hard. Generally you feel your results in muscle gain and strength level out. Time to start a mini cut!

A good long term plan incorporates retroactive planning based on your end goal(s) with bulking/cutting phases switching back and forth. Preferably without super long cutting phases and little to no rebounds when coming off a fat loss plan. A Spartan always comes prepared to battle!