Do Vacuum Poses/Exercises Create A Small Waist?

The Vacuum Pose: a classic bodybuilding exercise and pose that is often considered aesthetically pleasing. But it is also said to have an effect on our waist size. What is the truth? 

Practicing vacuums can indeed help to decrease your waist by a little bit as you are practicing your body to help posture in way that does not allow your stomach to stick out.

When do they help?

In order to have a smaller and more defined midsection we must have a low enough body fat percentage. Therefore vacuums and dieting for fat loss, or reaching and staying there go hand in hand.

How to practice them

Perform 3 sets on a daily basis by holding onto something with your hands, blowing out all the air and pulling in your stomach as deep as you can while holding your breath for about 30-40 seconds. 1 set equals holding in for 30-40 seconds, then letting go. A good way to practice your form is to imagine you are pulling your belly button as far as you can towards your spine.

Conditions: without food intake and after a bathroom visit, first thing in the morning. It is also recommended not to do them in between your regular workouts as you may not find yourself having enough breath to to them